Posts about webgl

Computing Morton Codes with a WebGPU Compute Shader

Starting out with general purpose computing on the GPU, we are going to write a WebGPU compute shader to compute Morton Codes from an array of 3-D coordinates. This is the first step to detecting collisions between pairs of points.

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WebGPU: Building a Particle Simulation with Collision Detection

In this post, I am dipping my toes into the world of compute shaders in WebGPU. This is the first of a series on building a particle simulation with collision detection using the GPU.

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How to write a custom fragment shader in GLSL and use it with three.js

This blog post walks through the process of writing a fragment shader in GLSL, and using it within the three.js library for working with WebGL. We will render a visually appealing grid of rotating rectangles that can be used as a website background.

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